Craziness Ensues

I was planning on writing a 21-month-old update for Zoe in the middle of March, but as I’m sure most of you know, it didn’t happen because Zoe’s baby brother decided to enter the world seven weeks early.  Before going into Cole’s entrance into the world, here’s a couple of pictures of Zoe that I was going to include in her update post:img_2041


Kirk and Zoe pose before the Alston and Bird, LLP Corporate Cup Run.  Apparently, Zoe felt her tiger should go for the run as well.




img_2040 Zoe hangs out in her ride for the run.

 One of 1st warm Spring days, I filled up the water table outside and Zoe had a blast; the water table now has a beach added from her sand box complete with rocks that she’s found lying around in the yard.  She decided that the hat completed her outfit.img_20481img_2055







Cole’s Entrance into the Big, Wide, World:

  img_2065At around 24 weeks of my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with placenta previa.  Basically, Cole’s placenta attached to the lower part of my uterus instead of the upper part and ended up covering the entrance to the birth canal.  No biggie – I was going to schedule a c-section a few weeks early so there wouldn’t be any complications, and the doctors said to expect spontaneous bleeding as I got closer to my due date.  With every bleed (I had 2 after I was diagnosed.), I called the doctor and then went to the hospital to make sure everything was A-OK.  The 1st one was scary (Kirk and I were in DC at the time), but after 6 hours of IV fluids and strict instructions to stay off my feet, we were allowed back to the hotel.  The 2nd one happened around 3:30am on Mar. 13th.  I called the MD, who then said call for an ambulance, which I did.  After being admitted into the hospital, I was told that I would be staying until at least Mon because the MD wanted to do a couple of steroid injections to help speed up Cole’s development, just in case.  Everything was honky-dory; the MD was allowing me to get up to use the bathroom, and they were getting ready to take me off the monitors and send me to the special maternal care ward when I started bleeding again, but this time, it was coupled with regular uterine contractions.  The nurse gave me terbutyline to help slow the contractions down, but I started bleeding again (it’s now around 12am, Mar 14th.)  The MD said enough is enough and decided to do an emergency c-section.  By the time the nurse called Kirk (he was at home to get some good sleep and to help with Zoe), it took the MD 30 minutes to bring Cole into the world.  Here are some pics of Cole’s first few weeks:

img_2094Cole weighed 3 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.  Because he was 7 weeks early, he had to have some help breathing (contraption around his head) with bubble CPAP for about 48 hours, received his fluids by an IV for about a week, and hung out in an incubator for about a week and a half.

img_21031  Yeah!! No more CPAP.  The white “stickers” are leads for his heart monitor; the “heart sticker” is to  make sure his bed stays warm enough, the tube coming out of his mouth is a feeding tube, and the white wire coming out of his umbilical stump is his IV.


Amy holds Cole for the first time.








img_2125img_2126 Proud parents.  Cole is no longer in the incubator!  He also is taking all of his feedings from a bottle or the breast, and only has his heart rate monitor and pulse oximeter leads.

img_2129Uncle Corey meets Cole for the 1st time.

Snow Day and ’80s Flashback

We received around 2 inches of snow here on Sunday night, so Kirk played hooky and we tried playing in the snow again.  Zoe liked seeing all the snow, but she still doesn’t love playing in it (it’s also possible that she would have played, but I don’t think she was feeling the best in the world).  Oh well, there’s always next year. 

Here are some pictures that Kirk took of Zoe and me:









After her nap yesterday, Zoe decided that she didn’t want to put her jeans back on (I had her layered with some baby leg warmers instead of purchasing snow pants for her to wear once or twice.), and both Kirk and I thought she looked like she was getting ready to go jazzercise.  Here are a couple of pictures:

img_2032 Her leg warmers actually go all the way to her thighs, but she decided they were more comfortable in true leg warmer style.


How the time has flown!!

img_1489 Zoe, age 15 months

Holy cow!  The last  “milestone” update I did was back in August!!  It seems like yesterday, but in reality, it’s been 6 months since I really mentioned all the cool things Zoe is doing these days.  Here’s the latest:

Communication:  This is probably the biggest change since August.  Zoe is now saying all sorts of words and phrases(but she usually needs a translator).  Her main words: Daddy, Mommy, Ollie, Zeke, cheese, hot dog (dot dog), strawberries (straw), blueberries, grapes (ape), banana (nana), pizza, chips (4-letter s-word), cheerios (cheer), oatmeal, grits (4-letter s-word), french toast (sah toe), shoes, socks, shirt (used for all clothing), hat (dat), slide, sleep, bear, baby, duck, bye-bye, hi, boo, airplane (sane), ball (dall), truck (specific sound, but I can’t phonetically spell it), fork (4-letter s-word), spoon (poon), plate (bate), bowl, cup (sup), up, down, chair, yellow (ye-yo), blue (bu), green (seen), red, pink (pinx), black (back), purple (puple), pasta (pah),  jump (sump), run (un, un, un), bee, Maisie (ze-ze), Kate (date), Mia, Aston (astah), Grace (bace), Kissha (seshah), bus, Gus (us),  Anna, Jack (shack), please (seese), thank you (dank you), pat, love (uv), more, milk (I think it sounds like nilk), water (wah-wah), juice (uce), outside, ride (ide), color (yeyoe-bu), bird, giraffe (raffe), elmo (ya-ya), big bird, Abbey, fish (shah), train (choo-choo).  Her main phrases: All done shirt, shoes, socks, etc (especially if you’re wearing a hoodie or a coat); get down; bear, baby, (anything that is lying down) sleep; this way (dis way); this car (dis sah); pizza, yeah!; bye-bye (and a person’s name); yellow duck (yeyoe duck); yellow bus (yeyoe bus); one more (un ore with 1 finger held up to her mouth), pooh bear.  Animal sounds: Zoe generally uses the animal sound for the name of the specific animal with the only exceptions being bear and duck.  Dog (Uff-uff); Cat (e-ow); Lion or tiger (she roars); Sheep (baa-baa); mouse (eek-eek); horse, zebra, or seahorse (used to be a good neigh, but has now changed to a high pitched squeal); pig (enh, enh); squirrel (similar to the mouse and pig sound); bird (sweet, sweet); elephant (purse your lips together and blow like you’re going to blow through a trumpet mouthpiece); monkey (similar to squirrel sound); snake (sssss…); bunny (enh, enh while moving her arm up and down in the air); panda bear (sounds like baby).  I think I’m missing some, but I think you get the picture.

Motor skills:  Zoe’s gross motor skills have definitely slowed down.  She continues to perfect her jumping and is able to jump with a 2-footed take off and landing, but it’s inconsistent.  She can step down a 2″  to 4″ step independently but prefers to “slide” down stairs if there is more than one step.  She can step up stairs with one-hand-held, but she prefers to climb up on her hands and feet.   She is able to kick and throw a ball, stand on 1 foot for 1-2 seconds, attempts to catch a ball, and walk on a balance beam with 1-hand-held.  I also think that she is part monkey; the girl can hoist herself up onto just about anything she sets her mind to (a little scary at times — we once found her standing on top of the breakfast table).  As far as fine motor skills go, she loves to color and is now trying to draw circles, but really likes to scribble (mostly horizontal).  She is able to do simple shape puzzles by herself and loves to build towers with various types of blocks (wood, duplo, bristle, etc).

Self-help: Takes off shoes, socks, shirts, hats, and unzippered coats independently.  Can put on hats independently.  Will help to put on shirts, pants, shoes, socks, and coats.  (Zoe loves to put on my shirts that are in the laundry and wear them as dresses.)  Can eat with a spoon pretty proficiently and will eat with a fork (takes a while with the whole stabbing thing), but she prefers to eat with her fingers.  Will drink from an open cup if she’s sitting in her high chair.

Cognitive: Zoe loves to please, and one of her favorite things to do is to help.  She loves to give you the dogs’ bowls when they’re all done eating, close the dishwasher (whether we’re done or not), pull the laundry out of the dryer, and wash her bathtime coloring board.  She’s also beginning to really play pretend: she feeds her baby or bear, puts them to bed (puts a blanket over them with their head sticking out, and then gives them a pat), and probably our favorite: she will woof while crawling on her hands and knees, pretending to be a dog.  She’s also imitating “grown-up” activities: sweeping, wiping the table, mowing the grass, and cooking.  Primarily at meal time, we’re beginning to give her choices (such as oatmeal versus cereal, or water versus milk).  And, she can point to the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, and black; she will verbally tell you the correct color about 75% of the time for yellow, blue, red, green, and pink.  We are beginning to see some signs of some feistiness (it’s about time!) – she continues to hit both Mommy and Daddy (usually when she’s tired), and she’s now pulling on the dogs’ fur – sooo… we are now doing time outs, and unbelievably, they work!!  (Thank you Betsey and Denise for your great ideas!) 

We are still doing the tooth count because, well, she doesn’t have all that many.  You can now clearly see 5 teeth (3 upper and 2 bottom); she now has the upper tooth on the left (between the front tooth and eye tooth) and all four molars (but you can’t really see these because they’re just now poking through her gums).  I think she may be trying to cut a couple of more teeth because she’s really chewing on her fingers, but I can never really tell.  

 All in all, the last 6 months have been an absolute blast.  I can’t wait to see what Zoe has in store for us in the upcoming months!!

Zoe, age 18 months, shows off the “outfit” of the day.img_1809

A Little Bit of Randomness

Soooo… since I was so late at putting Christmas stuff on the blog, I’m a tad bit behind.  Here are a few things that have been going on.

Inauguration Day/Snow Day: On Inauguration Day, we woke up to around 2 inches of snow.  (I know for a lot of you that’s just a dusting, but here in the Carolinas, it’s definitely a snow day.)  I had a feeling that it wouldn’t be around by the afternoon, so I bundled Zoe up and let her check out her 1st snow.  Needless to say, she didn’t really enjoy it; first, her mittens are too big so they kept falling off; second, her coat prevented her from moving as easily as she likes, and if you put the 2 together, it meant that whenever she fell, she couldn’t get up, which made her mad.  Oh well, maybe next year will be better.




Tagged — First Born Survey: In the blogging world, you can get “tagged” to complete random questionnaires, surveys, etc. so your friends can learn a little more about you.  Here’s a recent one that I completed.  (Denise — a lot of our answers were identical!!)

3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? Thrilled beyond belief. I think I did a little jump for joy.
5. HOW DID YOU FIND OUT YOU WERE PREGNANT? Took a pregnancy test at home while Kirk was out of town.
6. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? Technically, the dogs. (see #6) Kirk – I told him I had a surprise for him, but when he got home, I “pretended” that I forgot, let him mow the lawn and take a shower. He asked about the surprise, which was a book for expecting dads.
8.DUE DATE? June 18th
9.DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? Not really. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I got sick.
10.WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? Never really craved anything, but I really didn’t want anything that had Asian flavor to it.
11. WHO/WHAT IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? I loved being pregnant and didn’t mind the aches, heartburn, sleepless nights, yucky clothes, etc. But I did not like going to the OB twice a week during my last month of pregnancy for non-stress testing.
13. DID YOU WISH YOU HAD THE OPPOSITE SEX OF WHAT YOU WERE GETTING? It didn’t really matter, but I slightly preferred a girl.
17.DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? At our 20 week ultrasound, Zoe had a choroid plexus cyst still present (normal in development, but is generally gone by the ultrasound — it went away eventually).  Received another ultrasound a month later and found out I had low amniotic fluid levels — had to take it easy, receive a couple more ultrasounds, do non-stress testing, and the OB didn’t want me to go past my due date.
18. WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? Presbyterian Main, Charlotte, NC
19. HOW MANY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? About 8 1/2 hours. I was induced at 7am Friday morning, and Zoe was born around 3:45pm Friday afternoon
21. WHO WATCHED YOU GIVE BIRTH? Kirk (and the nurses/doc)
23. DID YOU TAKE MEDICINE TO EASE THE PAIN? Except for the pitocin and IV fluids, it was au naturelle.
26. WHAT DID YOU NAME YOUR CHILD? Zoe Scarlett Bradley


Nesting: I’m not sure if my hormones were completely out of whack or what, but I decided around November to try my hand at knitting.  I found that I really enjoy it, and I’m starting to get to where I can make things for Zoe without spending a ton of money.  Here are my first 2 completed projects.

Santa, Take II

img_1771On Sat morning, the fam went to have Zoe’s picture taken with Santa.  Needless to say, picture taking did NOT go well.  So, this morning, I took Zoe to a different mall in Charlotte to try again.  I have to say, this Santa is the bomb.   He talked and played with Zoe as if she was his own grand-daughter, and we (myself and the “elves”) were able to get a couple of shots.


We also went Christmas tree shopping on Sunday.  I have no idea why, but tree shopping for us has always taken forever.  We end up walking the lot at least 3 times before we start seeing trees we like.  Of course, this year was no different.  I think it took us a little over an hour to pick our tree.  It seems as if all the good trees are either too small or too big.  Oh well…I like the tree we have and that’s all that matters.

